This page gather the most relevant tools, references and links that I use and recommend. Some might already be introduced in details in one of my articles, some might be in the future. The list will be completed and updated regularly.
This page is divided in section, you can quickly jump to each section with the links below
Communications tools
Communications tools
You can check the article My favorite communication tools to have more details on this section.

This is the most advance client to communicate on the Matrix protocol and network. Open source, end to end encryption by default, decentralized, private one to one chat, private group chat and public channels. Chat, voice and video calls. Multi-devices (get connected and sync with all your device on the same account), multi-OS (web app, Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS,…), connect to user with their username and server address, no need to share you phone or email to get in contact. You can even run your own server or pay Element to run a server with your own domain name for you and get connected to all other servers or not, as you wish. Note that the paid services are only to have your dedicated server running, if you use one of the public servers (like or if you install yourself your server, it’s free and will always be.

If you are looking for a bit more simplicity, this Swiss based messenger is one of the most serious about privacy. Despite that it’s run by a private company, they do everything to keep the users anonymous and collect as few meta-data as possible. You can create an account without sharing any phone number nor email, you get a unique ID to share with your contact in person of by an other mean of communication. The app is open source and audited. It costs 4CHF that you pay one time only to download the app on Android or iOS, you can also link a desktop app to your mobile (but it’s not working standalone). They also offer subscription based enterprise services.

One of the most famous privacy friendly messenger. It has a very strong user base that increased a lot beginning of 2021 due to good publicity on social media that followed with media coverage following the infamous privacy policy update from WhatsApp in Spring 2021. It’s the most simple to use but you have to share your phone number to use it, you can only communicate with people that you have their mobile phone number in your contact list. It’s very privacy focused with almost no meta-data kept on the app servers. The app has everything you can expect from a messenger app, with GIF, stickers, single or group chat with voice and video calls. The Android version can also manager your SMS in the same app and encrypt them, alone all already encrypted Signal messages, locally on your phone to prevent unwanted access from other apps or a third party that my be able to access your phone. The apps and server are officially open source but the app is controlled by a non-profit organization in US and they are not open to let other people connect to their network with other fork of the apps and third party servers. They also had some controversy episodes but nothing critical that happened so far. Thus the app community should be followed closely if you use it, so far I still recommend it and it’s the app I use the most on my phone.
You can check the article about password managers and authentication tools to get more details on this section.
Password managers

Keepass XC
One of the best fork of the most famous open source and offline password manager.

Keepass2Android PlayStore link
A good open source Keepass app for Android but unfortunately not available on F-Droid, if you use PlayStore or Aurora, I highly recommand it, it’s the one I use daily.

Keepass DX (Android)
Another free open source option for Keepass on Android. This one is available on F-Droid. It’s also one of the most used Keepass app on Android, I used it and change for Keepass2Android for a practical reason but I really like both and can recommand it as well.

If you prefer the comfort of a password manager that is accessible online and sync automatically for you. Bitwarden is my top recommendation. It’s open source, offer free or paid (only 10€ per year) premium account.
U2F FIDO2 security key
Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) is compatible only with a few services like Google, Nextcloud, WordPress, GitHub, Microsoft account (including passwordless Windows unlock), Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, Dropbox and even Facebook (the security-friendly privacy-disaster). If one of your favorite service don’t use it, you should ask them to add it, the more people ask, the more chances that it will come.

Yubico offers many model but the Yubikey 5 NFC model, is the most complete model and the most famous brand.

Token2 is another brand, from Switzerland, it offers cheaper version both with a U2F only model as well as more advance ones that add TOTP and other options.

OnlyKey is another interesting product, that offer a U2F key compatible FIDO2 with also exclusive feature like multiple static password storage and PIN protection from hardware side. It’s possible thanks to a 6 buttons design. Thus it might be slightly more complicated to use.
One Time Password (OTP) apps
OTP and espacially the TOTP variant is a tool based on an open protocol that allow you to generate a unique password that change (usually) every minute that you enter in addition to your login and password to access you online accounts. It’s probably one of the most use 2nd factor authentication (beside SMS that are not really secure). Below are my app recommendation.
Hardware security key, like Yubikey, Token2 and OnlyKey listed above, all have a model that all to store and generate (via a software) the TOTP code. If you already use one of these, you can use them for your TOTP as well, but be sure to have a backup in case you loose your keys.
The password manager, Keepass and Bitwarden that I recommand above are able to store and generate the TOTP code but you might not want to store these in the same vault as your static passwords. See my complete article for more details.

andOTP is my favorite Android app for OTP. It’s free and open source, encrypt the database locally, allow to lock the app by a PIN or password and you can export an encrypted backup of your database.

Aegis Authenticator (Android) is another valid option for Android with more or less the same advantage as andOTP.

Raivo OTP (iOS) is the only recommended option I found on iOS. It has also the same advantage as the two Android app above if you are a fan of Apple.
I wrote several cryptocurrency articles, some goes more in details about the following tools and services recommended.
Hardware wallet
I start with hardware wallet as they are in my opinion the most important type of wallet to use if you are serious in cryptocurrency.

Trezor One (53EUR/55CHF – affiliate link, see disclaimer)
It’s my favorite hardware wallet. Easy to use, the Trezor Suite app (desktop) is really well done and help you doing thing right, especially at initial setup. It’s compatible with Metamask to use it with Web3.0 (DeFi, NFT, Metaverse, …). The brand was one of the first to produce hardware wallet and has a solid history of trust. The brand offer also more advance models that cost much more but are really optional for most users.

Ledger Nano S (69CHF – affiliate link, see disclaimer)
My second favorite hardware wallet. It’s also easy to use and come with great software that guide you step by step to setup everything correctly. I find it slightly less practical for regular use but for long term holding of coins it’s a perfect product that you can trust over time.
Bitcoin only software (hot) wallet

Electrum is certainly the most recommended Bitcoin desktop wallet for beginner. It’s also the recommendation from for any new user.

Simple Bitcoin Wallet (SBW) is an open source android wallet available on F-Droid that support Bitcoin Lightning Network. It’s quite easy to use in a clean and clear interface and support tor natively.
Multi-cryptocurrencies wallet

Coinomi is since a long time my favorite open source android multi-coin wallet. It’s also available for iOS, desktop Windows, MacOS and Linux. One master recovery pass phrase unlock wallets in Bitcoin, Ethereum, all Ethereum ERC-20 token, Monero, Litecoin, Dash and many many more. It support the WalletConnect protocol to interact with Web3.0 service (decentralized exchange, DeFi platform, a metaverse game, a NFT marketplace, a name service ,…).

Bridge wallet is a mobile (Android and iOS) wallet created by the Swiss cryptocurrency (soon to be?) bank MtPelerin. This wallet is really well made and offer native support for several blockchain all in one: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum layer 2 (Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom), Binance Smart Chain, Tezos and xDai. It’s linked natively but optionally to the service of MtPelerin that allow you to buy from a bank account several cryptocurrency with free conversion fee up to 500CHF per year, 1% fee after.
Browser add-on wallet

Metmask is most probably the most famous Ethereum wallet as of today. It support Ethereum mainnet and layer 2 ( Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom,…). Metamask is the easiest way to interact with Web3.0 app online and often the only option for many new network and service. It also support some hardware wallet for more security (see below). However, it might not be perfect on a privacy point of view and you have to trust some third party services (like with most wallet), especially with NFT, but it’s regularly improving in this regards.
Disclaimer I’m not a financial advisor, nor a professional in any kind of industry link to finance, cryptocurrencies nor tax legislation. I’m just giving my personal opinion and life advise about topics that I like and experiment by myself on my free time. My articles could always have mistakes, inaccuracies or lead to misunderstanding of a more complex topic. I cannot by any mean be liable for any loss or issue you could have by following any strategy or using any app or product that I mention in my articles. Using any kind of investment product, cryptocurrencies, smart-contracts, app or tool always come with a certain risk. Before engaging your data, time and money in any activities, always do you due diligence and get informed by yourself about the implications and risks.
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If you use the link and buy something there, I will know that someone did but I will not know anything about this person. If you don’t agree to use the affiliate link please visit the website of the shop or service by yourself, for example using a search engine without using an ads at the top of the results of course. If you agree to use them and make a purchase, thanks for the small support.
When I decide to place an affiliate link for a product or service, it’s not because I will maybe get some money from the affiliation but because I truly believe in the product/service and I’m using it myself. I will recommend the same way a product or service that doesn’t offer affiliation and will never give the advantage or highlight one product/service just because it offers an affiliation or because the commission offered is higher, but I hope it’s reflected well in my article.