Save money on your parcels with SwissPost
Because this blog is not only about cryptocurrency, I take the opportunity to break the series with this tips I used for some times now. As it was supposed to be temporary, I didn’t pay too much attention first, but it has be working for at least two years now and it doesn’t look like it will stop soon.
It’s quite common knowledge that a parcel send with SwissPost within the country cost 7CHF in economy and 9CHF in priority. But do you know that you can print your own label online read to drop at the Post?
Visit the Franking parcels page on the SwissPost website, login with your account or create one if not done yet. Then you will be able to prepare a custom parcel stickers already paid, with sender and recipient address, optionally a custom logo. By doing so you get 15% discount on the shipping cost, it’s not negligible if you sell a lot of stuff online on Ricardo, Anibis and other classified website, see my other article about selling secondhand stuff online.
- Save 15%, economy start from 5.95CHF instead of 7CHF
- No handwriting needed (that could be quite ugly in my case)
- Get the tracking number immediately
- The parcel is automatically registered in your account for further tracking
- You can give a name to your parcel for your history (i,.e “Raspberry Pi sold on Anibis”)
- Pay with your cashback Amex credit card to save 1% more (Don’t have a Cashback cards yet? Get 40CHF free on your first card with my affiliation code: FC40X2NUW)
- You can drop it at any Post or Post representative (in some town it’s in the village store) but still have to queue in most Post unfortunately as you need to get the receipt that it’s registered in their system

Once purchase you will get a PDF, you can just print it on paper, cut it and tape it to your parcel or if you plan to send a lot of parcel and/or you are lazy, you can buy pre-cut sticker pages A4 with 4 or 6 stickers per page in many online and physical shops for about 10CHF for 100 to 150 stickers (25 pages). You will see during the label creation that you can select “print on A4 page” with 2 possible dimensions and select the position of the sticker on the page. Just be careful to check which sticker is left on your page as you have to select this before you pay and cannot change it later (unless you manually reposition it in a text editing software).
It’s good to note that in a totally different section of the website, you can do the same for stamps. You can print a full board of stamps of any value on a pre-cut sticker page to use them later. Here you have no discount, so it’s not so interesting beside the fact that in the case of less than 2cm envelope, you don’t have to go to post, you can drop it at any PostBox on the street. The only little bonus is that you can custom the stamps with a personal picture, nice fore sending Christmas cards, invitations or other announcement, or add a logo if you run a small business.
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Disclaimer I’m not a financial advisor, nor a professional in any kind of industry link to finance, cryptocurrencies nor tax legislation. I’m just giving my personal opinion and life advise about topics that I like and experiment by myself on my free time. My articles could always have mistakes, inaccuracies or lead to misunderstanding of a more complex topic. I cannot by any mean be liable for any loss or issue you could have by following any strategy or using any app or product that I mention in my articles. Using any kind of investment product, cryptocurrencies, smart-contracts, app or tool always come with a certain risk. Before engaging your data, time and money in any activities, always do you due diligence and get informed by yourself about the implications and risks.
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