Switch to free and open source software
Free and open source software (aka FOSS) offers viable alternatives to the majority of proprietary software, apps and services we use daily on our computer and smartphone. Your first question could be, why should I bother to change my habits if I’m happy with what I use today? Let’s dig in.
5 reasons to use FOSS
- It’s free, no one time fee, no monthly subscription
- It preserve your privacy, you control your data
- It has no incentive to make you addict of an app or service
- Everyone can verify that the software do what it pretends to do and not more
- Anyone is free to adapt and modify the software for other use cases
You could probably find other reasons but these are the main ones and should already give most users an incentive to change.
Like any change it’s not always easy as you have to learn something new. Whenever it’s free or not, any replacement app will never be an exact one to one of another one that you use already. Don’t forget that you spend this time to learn using all apps you are currently using at the moment, at least this time you have some good reason to do this effort again.
In the following days I will publish a series of articles covering some possible switch, some will be more easy, other more advanced. If you don’t know where to start, you should at least be aware of the benefits of FOSS vs risk of proprietary and non privacy focused software, as well as the possible alternative to improve your digital consumption. You could then start with what seams easier and make the most sense to you and continue to switch and learn as soon as you get comfortable and feel for more freedom.
The next article will follow in a few days. To not miss it, subscribe privately and anonymously by RSS, follow eluc@nostr.eluc.ch on Nostr, @eluc on Mastodon or @ElucTheG33k on Twitter. Don’t hesitate to comment or share with others if you like.